The Adventure Continues!!!!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The last day on the ship!!!

December 7th, 2005

We arrived an hour later in our final port of call San Diego today than originally expected because of the pilot running late. The people waiting on the dock to greet us is a site that I will never forget. I remember looking back at how cool it was when we were onboard the Queen Mary 2 a year and a half ago when we pulled into the NYC port with people coming out to greet the ship. But this was amazing over 800 family, friends, girlfriends, and well wishers lined the dock as well as the upper deck where Semester at Sea had set up table with food and drinks to try and keep everyone warm. Actually when we pulled into port the weather although still cold it was warmer then I originally expected, then by lunch time it was a perfect 70 or so degrees. We even tried to enjoy a lunch (although the food was the worst meal on the ship) out on the deck trying to fight off the hungry seagulls. With that said I can’t wait to get home and have some true Tex Mex because I have learned over the past 100+ days there is no place in the world that can do Tex Mex properly then in Texas.
It was interesting because all the people that lined the dock had huge signs saying welcome home MV Explorer and their friends or family members names on them. In fact one of my favorites was Albertos from Mexico City whose Mom Dad and Girlfriend came up to greet him had a giant Santa clause that said welcome home Alberto in Spanish. There were also different versions of I’m such and suches ride home etc. It seemed forever before they started announcing that the seas were able to get off starting at around 12pm or so.
The problem was the gangway is on the 5th deck which means that everyone was having to walk down several flights of stair before they got to the dock, the reason why it was on this deck instead of the 2nd was because of depending on where the tied is. But so many people were worried about breakable objects that they didn’t want to pack to be tacken off the ship with the rest of the lugauge so they had bags strapped to the front and back of them and on their arms. There were also two girls that knew that I wasn’t going anywhere so they stopped and asked if I would help them carry some of the stuff off for them.
Looking back Ammo and I were talking and we couldn’t believe it was “over” which now seems like such a bad word. How could it possible be over when it seems as if it just started. An interesting question seemingly that has no answer considering that just days ago we were actually in Hawaii and it seems as if we were in Rio last week when truly it was months ago.
It was fun talking to everyone today asking where everyone was going. For some they lived here in San Diego so not far, those were the ones who looked like pack mules with 8 foot giraffes and who knows what else strapped to them. Then there were others like Ammo that was heading to Hong Kong tomorrow to hang out for the night in Len Qui Fonge, and then head on to Delhi to spend the Holidays at home with his family. Or Alberto going to Mexico City, or the rest of the Mexico friends going to Monterry. And the list continues with friends going to Russia, Norway, Switzerland, Peru, Chili, etc. etc. etc. Which makes me think have you ever been on one of those cruises where they always sing the song we are the world when right before the captain brags about the fact that his crew comes from over a 100 countries and not only do they get along but they actually get work done and enjoy living together as a community. Then you think wow that is amazing but how could that happen, well it must be because of it’s their jobs to do so. Well I am here to say that no it is not, that because the past 100 days here on the ship we have done that as students, not to mention the amazing crew from all over the world as well as all of the different people from the countless number of countries and cultures that we have visited. That we were all able to put are differences aside and agree to disagree. Agree that there is more to life than pain and anger, that this world that God has given to us is such an amazing place and that he truly did envision a world of peace. And with that said it does give me a little more comfort for me personally to know that it is possible even though so might disagree.
Last night we had convocation celebrating all the many wonderful things that have happened over the voyage. Most of all those students who have completed their undergraduate careers onboard the MV Explorer what a way to do it, to those students who had a 4.0 onboard, and the list goes on. We had speeches on a variety of topics one from a faculty member, another from an senior passenger who is a retired military as well as school consuelor, and two students. But the most touching or heart felt conclusion was from Yas who is originally a Texas girl who is RD for the sea on the opposite side of the ship from us. She was talking about the subject that is common about how Semester at Sea or more importantly a voyage of discovery around the world is supposed to change you. And she said that you know what for the first half of the trip she would come back on the ship and people would tell her how amazing that port was and how it touched their lives soo much where they were which ended up being a place that she wasn’t. But after a while she realized that every place that she was at was exactly the place that she was supposed to be. Because it was that one on one interaction with that local shop owner or little kid who was so fasinated with a digital camera etc. which was the place in time that she was truly suppose to be. But in the end that yes this voyage undoublty changed everyone for the better and as for me and as I hope for most people that it was for the better. But either way there was not just one mold for the typical way Semester at Sea and this amazing voyage we went on was not suppose to mold you to be the typical Alumni. But what we all are is a group of stories which is the same for those who are at home because it is those daily intereactions that make the difference and make who we are today so different from who we were yesterday.
Well I better go it is 3:45pm and we should be getting off the ship in the next hour or so. Hopefully we will make our way to Vegas on time and have one last amazing night out on the town before this part of my life is behind me and I am back where I belong. Deep in the heart of Texas, I love you guys and I am coming home!!!!!!!!



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